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How To Spend Time With Your Teen- Son To Form a Better Bonding?

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“Come play with me !!” –  You might have heard this a lot from your son when he was a kid. But all those late nights and double shifts at work to support your family may have deprived you of this pleasure. And now, when your boy has stepped into teen years, you wish to have his attention. 

Does he lock himself up most of the time in his room? Has his nose always kept stuck in his phone? Or he spent more time with his best friend than with you? 

Don’t worry. All you have to do is – figure out what you can offer him to agree to spend more time with you. Here are some expert tips in this regard & you can spend time on online at f95 zone with family: 

Take An Interest In His Hobbies

Is he a fan of a YouTuber who does stunts? Or he’s making some sort of his car toys and leaving your garage upside down? His hobbies may be completely different from your interests, making it even more difficult for you to spend time with him.

No matter what weird interest your teen has these days, be curious. For some of these hobbies, he will need you. Like, he might ask, “Mum, you have to go buy this stuff! “or ” Dad, I want batteries for my game controllers. “  

And when that happens, be opportunistic and use these times to be together. Do the errands he needs, help him in the garage, or sit with him on the couch to watch this YouTuber. 

Attend Events Together

Nothing works better to bond with your child than to attend his favorite events with him. If he likes comedy, then take him into comedy events near you. Even if the event he wishes to attend is not of your taste, still go with him at least twice. Seeing you doing this for him, he will learn to respect your suggestions too.  

You can use websites like Evenstfy to find events near you. Whether it’s comedy events in Denver or Theatre performances in NYC, they list all the US events. You can even make your bookings using this site.

Don’t Take It Personally

Teenagers are amid exploration. They question everything they are: their tastes, dress sense, even the way of speaking. Their rejection of your ideas or suggestions is their way of differentiating themselves from you. Over time, you will find that they will choose to identify with certain family traits and even be proud of them. But first, they have to consider whether it suits them or not.

Always remember that this is normal and that your child is not doing something against you. Also, be careful not to put too much pressure on them. Doing so, you will risk the attachment he has with you. What to do? 

Even though you have the coolest things to do and still he said “no,” don’t give up. Try yourself differently. Maybe he would be inclined to participate with a friend.

Help Him With His Interests

For him, his new hobby is essential. So try to figure out what turns him on so much. Discuss what he wishes to develop as a talent or skill. Help him with it and that way you will have time to spend together. Praise him on his progress. Reflect him the strengths that allow him to be good at what he does. It will make your bonding stronger. Remember that you don’t have to pretend you’re interested in the activity. He’ll sense it if it’s not sincere.

Final Words

Lastly, always keep in mind that your youngster needs to know that you are always there for him. That you support him even in his wildest projects and that you will always be ready to accompany him. Now, he doesn’t say it the same way anymore, but he still needs you and your presence. Inside him, there is always the child who would love to play with you.

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